Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Image result for reusable straws VS Image result for plastic straws

Reusable straws

On average, Americans use 500 millions straws per day!!
Now, think about where these plastic straws go after they're used.

Such a small change could make a difference in our environment.

Reusable straws can be bought ANYWHERE! : Grocery stores, such as Walmart and Target, Dollar stores, Ebay, Amazon. Plus, they're pretty cheap! the average cost is $5 for a PACK!! Which is almost the same price as plastic ones which will be thrown away after their first use and then damage the environment later on.

Here is a website for further information on reusable straws and how much they impact our planet.

It's time to make a change!

Here is a link to other eco-friendly alternatives if you want to make an even greater impact.

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